Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Signs He Won't Marry You - How to Know If Your Guy is Avoiding Commitment

Your woman's intuition is telling you that the man you love isn't the marrying kind. He may not have come out and told you directly, but you're starting to feel that the proposal you've been waiting for is never going to arrive. It's frustrating to be in a situation like this. You love him, you adore him and you know that he is the man you're destined to spend the rest of your life with. Unfortunately, if he doesn't feel the same way, you have to address that. Instead of second guessing what he is feeling, there's a way to know for certain. There are some signs he won't marry you that will help you to get a clear glimpse into the future of your relationship.

Here are some of the signs he won't marry you:

You have yet to meet his family or close friends. When a man is even considering the idea of marriage, he'll want the people he loves most in the world to meet his girlfriend. If you have only met them briefly or you have yet to have the pleasure, he's no where near the point of asking you for your hand in marriage. He's still very much just in the dating phase.

He has no financial plan in place. If a man only has to worry about taking care of himself, he doesn't put much thought into his long term financial plan. He doesn't worry about interest rates and retirement savings. If your guy lives from paycheck to paycheck he has no intention of buying a diamond ring in the near future.

He makes derogatory comments about marriage. You may want to believe that he's joking every time he says something negative about marriage, but he may be dead serious. Some men are very transparent and if your guy has a bad attitude about the idea of marriage, chances are he has no interest in it whatsoever.

He doesn't want children. Marriage and children tend to go hand-in-hand for many men. If being a dad isn't in his game plan, being a husband probably isn't either. If you start a conversation about children and he stops you dead in your tracks, don't count on him popping the question anytime soon. It's the last thing on his mind.

Also, don't discount all the smaller, more subtle signs of a man who isn't ready to marry you. If you feel that it's not going to happen, chances are you're right.

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